Outstanding Demo Award at ECAI 2024

Our paper, PEACE: Providing Explanations and Analysis for Combating Hate Expressions, was selected as the winning demo at the conference. The decision was based on the reviews of the corresponding demo papers, nominations received from conference attendees during the conference itself, and the judgment of the demo track chair and the PC chairs.
LINK: https://www.ecai2024.eu/awards/outstanding-demo-award
10 Jovenes Sobresalientes 2022
Presentation video during the award ceremony.
Selected as one of the ten most outstanding young people from Córdoba, Argentina, who have stood out for dedication to study and research in 2022 at the age of 23.
El Doce TV Newspaper: https://eldoce.tv/sociedad/premiaron-10-jovenes-sobresalientes-cordoba_140388/
La Voz Newspaper: https://www.lavoz.com.ar/ciudadanos/la-bolsa-de-comercio-de-cordoba-premio-a-los-10-jovenes-sobresalientes-de-2022/
Premio Universidad 2021 - Diploma With Special Mention

Second best GPA (9.59 over 10) at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba that concluded their Bachelor's and Master's studies in the required time.
University Newsletter: https://www.unc.edu.ar/comunicaci%C3%B3n/premios-universidad-la-unc-distingui%C3%B3-las-personas-con-mejores-promedios-que-egresaron